Dogberry Books
Competition & Prize Winners
The Curious Case Of The Grandmother And The Frozen Mackerel by Lawrence Morgan
Ninety-One in Dog Years by Wilson Koewing
Departure by James Bloom
Disaster Parenting by Robert Kerbeck
Have Chalk, Will Travel by Heather Gatley
The Visa Siege by Lawrence Morgan
Chicken Gizzards by Alison R. Solomon
God-fearing by Dorothy Neagle
Girl in the Doorway by Christopher Parent
The Posthumous Poems of Leighton Bloom by Auriel Roe
Father by Liane U’Prichard
And Yener Danced With His Radio by Lawrence Morgan
The First 36 Hours by Charles Hara
Methylation by Rod Madocks
I Must Have That Plant by Judith Fetterley
The Name Puzzle by Linda Petrucelli
Passing the Pineapple by Auriel Roe, an extract from 'A Young Lady's Miscellany'
Beginnings by Heather Gatley
Walking to Oseira by James Bloom
Island Fever by Lawrence Morgan
I am Chapter Twelve by Pete Langman
Ravelling by Lulu Allison
If You Relax, You Will Float To The Surface by Peter J. Stavros
Herat, 1968 by Lawrence Morgan
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​Memoirist is published by Dogberry Ltd.