Dogberry Books
Competition & Prize Winners
Ronnie, Bertha & Zia by Maddalena Beltrami
Childhood in the Redwoods by Robert W. Norris
New York New Years by James Bloom
Rendezvous in Bruxelles by Lev Raphael
Her name was Tera by Catherine Tripp
The Eyebrows Have It by Helen Kreeger
My Teeth by Rod Madocks
Portugal Pants by Anita Cabrera
Sideboard by Helen Kreeger
Icarus by Phil Cummins
Stoned by Lawrence Morgan
We Like It Hot and Dangerous by Heather Gatley
Mother Out of Time by Emma Burger
Lost by Rod Madocks
The Adoption Campaign by Lynnda Wardle
Stroke Struck by Michael De Rosa
Arriving in Snipers' Alley by JP Sexton
Raised by my Father by Karen Hill Anton
Perdida, Loss by Suze Lord
City of Seven Hills by Chris Parent
Crossing to England by Amir Darwish
If My Beard Could Talk It Would Tell of My Mother by Lev Raphael
Sowing Seeds in Fields of Dreams by Sara Etgen Baker
Climbing Jacob's Ladder by Michael De Rosa
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​Memoirist is published by Dogberry Ltd.