Beginnings by Heather GatleyThe writer and her early affinity to words, the duality of being Welsh and English, the seeds of her nomadic existence...
For The Love Of Dogs by Samuel DodsonOur house was forever alive with animal instinct. We grew up surrounded by a veritable menagerie, some more memorable than others...
The Fox and the Scars by Amy WallAs soon as I turned eighteen, I walked myself down to the nearest tattoo parlour and had a small drawing of a fox printed just below my...
Marigolds by Heather Gatley I went to school in the quaint time at the end of the 1960s, before political correctness and niceties about equality...
Disaster Girl by Auriel RoeBeleagured by a myriad of food allergies and epic cookery failures in Home Economics, the author finally finds redemption in a sponge.